Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Past few months been rocky

Phrase of this post: worry about the future, for it affects your actions in the present

Basically its more or less about thinking about your future...becuz if you think about the consequences in future..it will help you make a better choice now...most of the time at least :P

ReadMe 4
Version: 2011.5.3

Been through quite a bit
School is getting tedious (not good)
Getting stressed
But also got love <3

Been really long since i last posted eh...but good also...those who still read are probably those who cared for me...hee hee..nah just kidding...but still...lifes been kinda rough...got ups and downs so far...so im gonna try and condense about 2 months of info into this post.

So schools reopen and its back to school...well not really enthu about it cuz the modules we are learning this semester is kinda boring...but before i bore you people...lets talk about the more fun thing first...the year 1 orientation :D...so our class made a separate orientation for our juniors and it was a blast!...had so much fun.its was actually quite the typical orientation kinda stuff...games...time to bond...things like that...but what made it special was that everyone was so into it and really making the most ouut of the orientation...its was great to see our effort pay off in the smiles of the year 1s

But of course...good things must end and its back to school...Boooooo! so this sem we are learning things like, working with special needs, working with older adults, program planning, crisis intervention, research methods and marketing...seriously..this line up is terrible...none of them is something im interested in..so obviously i have no motivation to study...and to seal this parcel of Sh*t...we have the GSM which is entrepreneurship to seal the deal -.-...terrible...so of course the whole class was mad with the GSM and there were lots of swearing and cursing...but what to do..we're under the poly law -.- but we have a new lecturer and she is a pretty nice lady...looking forward to getting to know her more :P

but during the course of study..i finally confessed to her...again :P...haha..for those who dun know...too bad...but if you're close enough to me..then you will know...:P...im so happy she agreed abt we're together now..im really unsure about the future ahead and how things will turn out...but still...hope everything is fine and our love will stay strong <3

thats actually about all...eh...2 months only but my life still not quite happening lei...actually got lots more to say but lazy to type :P...haha...but once again...i felt like writing an appreciation section cuz these people in my life means a lot to me...not including my family of course...and in no order of merits :P i just felt a need for this becuz i never had real friends in my life before...im the loner kind of guy and it was mostly becuz of my secondary school life...but im glad for these people who are in my life now to show me the brighter side of life :D

1)korkor: who has always been there for me and must tahan thru all my tedious-ness...always making me laugh at the thousands of monkey faces he can make...and just being an awesome friend :D

2)Darling<3 : for not giving up on me and holding on to me...and giving me another chance and being part of my life...i hope that this will withstand the test of time and everything else that life throws at us :D

3)Haka, alex, edwin: for being my loyal friends and always exploring obscure corners of gaming with me...and all the adventures we had in minecraft, monster hunter, patapon, battlefield and probably many more :D

4) peggy..for being part of my trustees and also offering guidance and advice to me...and bring laughs to my life. for being one of those who guided me to God and always being a great friend :D

5)Edward: for being a great big reflective mirror to me...and giving me a chance to explore more about myself as much as you are exploring more about yourself :D

6)My fellow social scientist: for just being the most awesome class i ever had :D

7)Julius: for being my hunting partner and also my "shifu" in the aspect of love...haha :P

8)my lecturers : for being an awesome mentor and inspiring people to me that i can respect :D showing me the side of life that i want to pursue and always motivating me to carry on studying :D

Well theres more i guess...but these are those that stood out the most during this past 2 months...thanks for being there for me and being part of my life :D

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