Damn...so long since i posted...so starting off with some updates :P
Well...my wrist is fractured and now still recovering...probably will not be a full recovery but at least don't need surgery. sucks to have to use only one hand but yea..gotten used to it
in other new...i managed to sms "E" and actually got a reply. Well the convo was short lived but it was nice to hear from "E" again finally.
Also been having problems as usual..i think my search for trust worthy friends usually end up in mistakes. Should just stick with my usual friends and not try to make new friends. Cuz usually...after getting to know them...to some point you think you can trust them...and in the end they treat you more or less like some shallow friend. They call you when they need you...they hang out with you...but only because they have nothing else to do (no games, bored). they only talk to you when they need your help..or have something to ask you. Its not like BAMS...where we just meet up just because we want to meet up. We can just sit around and talk...and its always continuous. Those are solid friendships. Unlike all these which i always end up slapped with. "friends" who are only around when theres game to play...no games they run off to other friends who plays games...well when you are in a pinch dont even think about fcking coming to me with your problems..im not some tool or object that you cannjust pick up when you need and throw one side when you're done (yea i say this now..but ppl who know me well probably knows that i'll still be a complete loser and still help them even though they use me). maybe its becuz im stupid...but well...they may not treat me like a close friend...but i do treat them like a close friend and so i'll still do my part.
ugh...well kinda just ranting around now...but still...im going to just be normal...cuz at the end of the day...i cant say i didnt expect it. I placed my faith on something and it disappoint.ugh thinking abt it makes me sick..im gonna go play some games or something...anyways my youtube channel is revived again so anyone interested in some gaming vids can hop there :D
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